Sunday, July 4, 2010

Orlando Fourth of July: Mayhem and Misery

You are going to laugh.. and maybe get a slight headache from this story.. but I hope you just laugh. This is actually kind of a funny story.. Really aggravating, but once I read through it myself, I was totally laughing my head off.
Tonight, at the 4th of July celebration at Lake Eola, I was trying to do a SLOW U-turn, and was halfway through it, which I really took my time with, since there were so many people walking, and this lady and her little girl were kinda just standing there, not paying attention. Well, I didn't want to scare them, because they were so close, not close enough to hit, but close enough that seeing headlights coming at them, even slowly, might have startled them. So, I waited a minute or so, and then when the lady, who was standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY VAN, mind you, had her daughter tie her shoes or something, I went ahead and started to ease back into my U-turn, so as to get out of there, and just go slow so that they wouldn't think I was some drunk reckless driver, hahaha. Well of course, I moved about six inches, and the mom flipped out on me, walked up to my van, and I was all "nooo, no no no- I am just turning around", because I obviously anticipated an idiotic response from this idiotic person.. (there were hundreds of people coming down that street- they were the only ones who chose to stop right in front of a van doing a U turn) and she was trying to say that they were not stopped, etc.. and I was like oh yes you were.. and she got all indignent on me, stuck up her little nose, and said "well she was fixing her sandal".. LMAO.. Good grief woman.. You gotta be kidding me. Oh and then it turns out I am trying to turn into the "exit" portion of some parking lot, which is news to me, considering how the cars were turned, and the fact that there was no exit only sign there.. jeez louise.. So I ended having to back out, but the people working that lot at least helped to get people out of the way for that. What a night.. I tell ya- LAST time we ever go to Lake Eola for the 4th.. What a nightmare. Anyhoo- That story I just told is just proof positive that people can really go off the deep end for something that is really totally innocent. This was originally posted on facebook, as a comment response to CF News 13's post about how a young teenager who was accused of kidnapping a kid from Burlington coat factory, had the charges dropped. Some people felt that he was "guilty guilty guilty", but the kid was 14, and there with his mom. He found a lost child, saw some women walking out the front door, talked to the kid, who followed him out the front door, where he remained for a few minutes, apparently looking for her mom. His "crime" was not covering his butt by saying something to a register lady (they were all in the front of the store to begin with, so the rationale was perfectly reasonable) before going out to find the kiddo's mom, with the kid behind him. He was charged with attempted kidnapping. Good grief. Poor guy will have to have his arrest record expunged now, anyways.. Well, that was what came to mind tonight after the big pain in the butt with doing the U-turn tonight..
Sorry for the novel.. I needed to vent. Anyhoo- to recap why tonight sucked: You spend over an hour in the car, missing fireworks, get your beater van made fun of by snobs, and KICKED by some punk kids, try to weave through the mysterious labyrinth that the police department thinks of as "traffic control", to find a space that doesn't exist, because all of Orlando is in front of and behind you, and all the roads with public spaces are closed off for whatever reason, and the people at the intersections are parking there, just blocking the traffic to see the fireworks, like who gives a damn anyways right.. GRR.. and you end up trying to be EXTRA careful with some people who are not paying attention, end up thinking they just don't care that you are turning, so you slowly try to turn, just to get treated like a psycho, and then have to do the same damn thing in reverse, with a new labyrinth, too. We managed to get out of the car for all of 10 minutes. Woo hoo. We brought the neighbor's dog, who we love but they are going to give it to the pound soon.. and when we got home, it was friggin raining, too, so we couldn't even do fireworks at home. I love the Fourth of July, but this HONORABLY DISCHARGED NAVY VETERAN with ZERO points on her license is extremely relieved that this night is finally over. Next year, we are heading up there around three.. Screw it. :-/

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