Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Drugs are not your best friend.

OK I probably have a lot more energy than the average bear.. so to someone who uses drugs and alcohol regularly, I am probably something of a Tazmanian Devil, lol.. I really feel very sorry for people who have "self medicated" for so long on alcohol and drugs, because their high is only coming from the dopamine in their brains being released at higher than normal doses, by using their substances. Eventually, a person can literally run out of dopamine. Now, I am not one of those people who are "anti drugs", either- I honestly think that people should be allowed to use whatever they want, whenever they want, for whatever reason they choose. It's their body not mine. I wish that people would be more responsible with their substance usage, though. I mean, there is a big difference between using something responsibly, socially, and only on occasion, and abusing something or becoming dependent on it.
I am talking about substances a lot, because I think that substance abuse has also lead many people to commit crimes. I am not pro crime, by the way- but I think that if it could be proven that a sociopath was once a normal minded person, who abused dopamine-releasing drugs, then their mental state at a time when they committed a crime should maybe even be bypassed.. You know the whole "competency test" for standing trial.. A person who knew the difference between right and wrong, had intent, etc.. all that stuff- Well, if a person abused drugs for a long time, unless they quit and stopped using for a substantial period of time, before the crime unwittingly occurred, that is- I mean, if they were still using drugs, then their mental state at the time that this crime was committed should be tossed aside. Really- WHY aren't there more advertisements on television and billboards, simply explaining to people what these drugs are actually doing to them!! Once the dopamine runs out, a person can stop being capable of feeling any emotions. This is the scariest thing to me, just knowing how many young people are using drugs in the world. It seems that in 20 years or so, we will probably have a world that is 15% psychopath residents.. Yikes!!!
Why not just do a lot of advertising on what dopamine is, why we need it, and how it is used up so quickly?? Here are some ideas:
"Want to be permanently institutionalized for psychosis? Then keep doing drugs. Otherwise, call this Hotline, before it's too late."
"Dopamine- the natural dope!! Dig it!"
"When Just Saying No makes you feel awkward, just imagine yourself in 20 years, when the word "NO" doesn't mean a thing to you. Drugs- You CAN STILL WALK AWAY."
"Saying yes to drugs is like saying no to your dreams. Besides- all drugs do is use up your hormones, and drag you down. Say yes to your dreams. Be your own best friend today."
Even druggies are not stupid idiots. Heck, even homeless people have laptop computers. I wish that these anti-drug campaigns weren't so condescending. People with drug problems have a serious problem- in fact, they have a disability. It needs to be addressed differently. We need to approach the war on drugs in a new, and inventive way. I am ready for a change, Obama. Let's get to it.

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