Friday, January 20, 2012

A TEENAGER!! If only they could just stay little!! j/k

My son is turning 13 in an hour and a half.. OMG! I feel OLD. I am so excited though.. Now he can have his own email address, facebook.. ALL OF IT!! 2012- My boy is gonna own the net haha =)

Happy Birthday, Logan! I love you!! You ALMOST TEENAGER YOU!!

Oh wait till he sees what I got for him.. OMG the suspense is killing me. I cant STAND it!! HAHA!

1/21/99 was one of the best days of my life. Sadly, it was probably one of Logan's worst.. His little lung collapsed during the delivery. He spent his whole "true First" birthday under an oxygen tank, hooked up to an IV drip. But when they brought him into my room early in the morning on 1/22- That was absolutely the most awesome thing... Finally- my little baby and I could REALLY bond! It was really hard learning to breastfeed- You know- figuring out how to get that child to "latch on" but a nurse said it was sort of like a wrestling match. She said to hold him like a football, underarm style, and grip his head, and just force him onto the boob. Then she said when he starts falling asleep, to just gently rub his head, or give him a wee juggle to wake him back up, and his natural sucking would start again. Well, that was what we did. And it worked wonders. Then came changing diapers. Boy! I had no idea how gross baby poop could be.. Or how cute they could look when theyre "making" it, lol.. Logan used to make funny little grunting noises.. Which, as he aged, progressed into very LOUD grunts... HAHAHA We were in Target and some woman passed my cart, with my son going "RRRRRRRRR.... RRRRRRR" and his little pink face, clearly working on something- pretty sure half the store heard this happening.. and we just LAUGHED AND LAUGHED.. Cuter than cute, lol...

He would fall asleep eating anything.. Even in the high chair.. He would eat his banana, and start dozing off.. or his head would fall flat into a plate of spaghetti.. LOL!! I used to stand there with the camera just taking billions of pictures.. How friggin cute is that! Thats my kid.. he is the BEST!!

To think... In an hour and 8 minutes, he is going to be a teenager. I am SOOOO happy for him... SOOOOO sad for me.. I mean, it's so awesome watching your children grow and develop and change from being this helpless little tiny human being that looks smaller than any baby you have ever seen (I just hadn't been around a lot of new babies apparently, when I had my son- I was actually expecting something more 2-year old sized, lol- Don't even ASK me why..) transform into a responsible, classy, funny, individual, with his own personality, and goals and dreams.. Hallelujah!!! I have truly been blessed.. The hard part is the idea that in just 5 years, he is off to college.. But that is actually not so bad, because that could mean that in 5-10 years, I get to be a grandma, lol..

Well.. I got to go wrap the big gift.. Mum's the word for now.. I don't want him stumbling onto this BIG gift that I have been hiding for the past two dang months... Its something he REALLY wants.. =) And he is getting a second gift, but that will be coming as a post-birthday surprise. I want to really surprise him! =) Happy Birthday to an exceptional young *gulp!* MAN!